Root Aeration & Watering
Deep root aeration, also called vertical mulching, is a technique long used by arborists to address the common urban problem of compacted soils. Plant roots require oxygen and water-delivered minerals to survive. Further, unhealthy gases often become trapped in heavy soils to the detriment of plant health. Deep root aeration is a way to address this common plant problem.
So what is deep root aeration, or vertical mulching? As the name implies, it means making holes or trenches in the soil and filling it with organic or inorganic matter. Of the two, we strongly recommend organic matter under the theory that as soil organisms feed on the organic matter, they make pore space out from the holes. There are any number of ways one might make such holes and any number of substances that might be placed in the holes and all have been used and all might be called deep root aeration.
Urban Woodland Tree Care LLC, is one of the few tree care companies if not the only, company in Reno, NV that provides this service. We have had great feedback from our clients and positive results from year to year on the trees that we mulch beneath the surface.


Certified Arborists

Quality Work

Licensed & Insured
We offer a 10% Senior and Veteran Discount.
- ISA Certified
- Owner Operated
- Licenced and Insured
- 24/7 Emergency Service
We are just a phone call away!
24 / 7
24 / 7
2000 Vassar St
PO Box 10764
Reno NV 89510
Nevada Licence: